Yoga appropriate for everyone. Gently explore classical asanas and novel movements with an emphasis on functional alignment and attentive breathing to facilitate balance, mobility, ease, stability and strength. Standing, seated, supine and prone asanas, which may include twists, forward folds, back arches and inversions are practiced with appropriate props and modifications to allow for equitable progression. Engage in mindful movements allowing all systems to align and experience awareness, clarity, health, harmony and peace.
"Nothing can be forced, receptivity is everything."
B.K.S Iyengar
Shanna has delighted in headstand and lotus pose since childhood. Discovery of yoga as a college athlete and advanced training at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco taught her such poses practiced mindfully improve strength, flexibility, focus and self-awareness. Further Therapeutic Yoga training with Maureen Maclise brought to light the knowledge that progression in yoga is exemplified through positive changes in our perception, which enhances our relationship with ourselves and others. As we refine our yoga practice, so we refine and feel more enriched in our lives. Teaching with care and kindness, she encourages students to nurture themselves in their practice.
Heartfelt appreciation to Barbara Fergusson for inviting and inspiring me to teach.
And to all the wonderful and unique teachers that I have learned so much from, thank you!
Education & Professional Training
Cakra Workshop, Ramanand Patel
Iyengar Yoga Workshop, Patricia Walden
Subtle Body Series: Koshas, Vayus, Cakras, Bandhas,
Mythology, Pranayama in Asana, Karma & Dharma, Khushi Malhotra
Iyengar Yoga, Ramanand Patel
Thai Yoga Workshop, Molly Lannon Kenny
Bedside Yoga: Yoga & End of Life Care, Molly Lannon Kenny
Life after Loss: Yoga & Grief, Molly Lannon Kenny
Developing Patterns: Crawling to Walking, Rolling to Crawling
& Midline to Rolling, Amy Matthews
Yoga Immersion, Ada Lusardi
Developing Patterns: Arriving to Midline, Amy Matthews
Outer Form: Inner Knowledge, Stephanie Quirk
Therapeutic Yoga Teacher Training, Maureen Maclise
Anatomy of Asana Workshop, Julie Gudmestad
Iyengar Yoga Workshop, Mary Lou Weprin
The Movement Center Meditation Workshop
The Movement Center Tonglen Workshop, Swami Girijananda
Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco, Advanced Teacher Training
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, California State University, Long Beach